The salmon swim upstream against the current winding back the clock
Staring into the sun turned over upside down as if to ask the river
She must have been left handed
These pictures were made in western Oregon between 2012-2019 – during many trips going home. Most were made along the Clatskanie, a tributary of the Columbia River, and some during the total solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017. Before this, the last total solar eclipse to sweep across Oregon and the contiguous United States was on June 8th, 1918. And perhaps, on that day, my great grandmother, Marie Carver, saw the sun shapes filter through the trees along the river's edge. Nearly one hundred years apart, maybe we both stood beneath some shared path of totality. When Marie died, she was thirty-nine. And generations apart, I had outlived her by a year, when for a moment the moon covered the sun, the silence came, and it got cold as the sky darkened.